dinsdag 31 juli 2018

Mission LIfe #74 ran out of time last time

Maandag, 30 juli 2018

SORRY I ran out of time last week.

I'm just going to tell you about this last week though. So on Monday we went to waterkant with our district. It's next to the Surinaamse rivier and there is a ford and fun stuff. We took lots of pictures and performed in the middle of palmentuin, singing 'prayer of the children' It was freaking awesome. I love the missionaries I am serving with. 

We also performed at the Pioneersday activity. It was awesome to hear about the pioneers of Suriname. Everyone is a pioneer. I'm a pioneer, because I am the first Dutch sister missionary to serve here in e. How are you a pioneer?

We've talked to so many people last week! we are really trying to talk to 20 people. We weren't able to reach it yet. We talked to 16 people the other day. 

Friday. It was an awesome day. I told my mission president this:

We went contacting Friday morning. Mornings are usually not the best, but something zuster Jordan taught me is that there are different people at different times. So we met a lady from Guyana. She was just on a vacation for a couple days. She had met with the elders before. She invited us in. Kind of had a lesson with her. She really wanted the elders to come to her house in Guyana. The cool part of this all is that I prayed that morning, that I would have the eyes to see the spiritual experiences, to notice them. And Heavenly Father truly answered my prayer.

I went on exchanges to Rainville! 

Said goodbye to some people, including Justin. I made a video. It's to big to upload but I will show you whenever I see you! I love him so much. I also got to say goodbye to the family I found last transfer, or 2 transfers ago. The mom is progressing a lot! It's awesome to see. I took a picture with them. Sunday was amazing. OUr most progressing investigator came again. He takes notes and everything. He is amazing! I'm so glad that the elders found him and that we are able to teach him. 


I know that when we let our light shine, it will help others having the desire to let their light shine. I am so grateful that I can share my light with the people of Suriname for one more week. I know Heavenly Father puts people in/on our path. I know He is always there. It reminds me of a scripture I read the other day. In Moroni 8:2 

"I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work." I know Heavenly Father is always mindful of me, so is His Son.

I finished reading the Book of Mormon this morning. I want to share my experience and testimony. I wrote all the things down that Moroni invites us to do. The first thing is to 'remember how merciful the Lord hath been'. It touched me, because Heavenly Father has been so merciful. He sent me here and it's been a big blessing in my life. The second thing he invited me to do is to pray and ask God, the eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ if these things are not true. So I did. I knelt down and thanked God for being so merciful. Then I asked if these things were not true. And my heart werd warm. Tears filled my eyes. I feel the same way now I'm telling you about this. My soul is warm. I felt this feeling that is hard to describe. But today I want to testify to you that the Book of Mormon is true. I've only ready the Book of Mormon twice on my mission, but I've learned so much from it through the power of the holy Ghost. I read things at the right time, they encouraged me. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I invite everyone to do the same thing as I did. To pray and ask in faith if it is not true. I know with my whole heart that you will receive that answer through the power of the Holy Ghost. It will make you smile, it will make you feel good. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all so so much!

Zuster Spijkerman

maandag 30 juli 2018

Mission Life #73 New mission President

Maandag, 23 juli 2018

President Braird and his wife for the first time in Suriname
De nieuwe zendingspresident is geweldig! Hij wil deze zending alleen beter maken en hij wil dat vooral doen door al onze talenten te gebruiken.

I love my companion, zuster Spencer.

Saturday was a hard day, it was hot and everyone cancelled on us. We went to church to practice a song with the ZHV/RS. President Verweij (red. yup elder Verweij die in Apeldoorn heeft gediend) asked us if we could translate for the fireside. We told him we had an appointment, but we felt bad, because we wanted to help him out. We decided to pray and aske God for advice. So we did and I felt lik we should confirm our appointment one more time. It was with a less active member, 23 years old. He said he is waiting for us, so we knew we had to go to our appointment. Then the elders came too and they were able to translate. So they answered our prayer. We had an amazing lesson about the Atonement. He said that the lesson inspired him to go to church and we didn't mention church at all. It was cool how the Spirit really guided that lesson. He committed to come to church and he did!

I know God hears and answers our prayers. He gives us council. We read Alma 37:37 in church yesterday and that's what we did. He truly guided us. God knows where we need to be and what we need to say in order to touch the hearts of the people here. I know He is always there for me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Ps Red. Sister Spijkerman ran out of time for writing a weekly letter for her blog. These are words that she wrote to us or her mission president so that she still had something for her blog. Enjoy!

Zone conference with the new mission president Baird and sister Baird

woensdag 18 juli 2018

Mission Life #72 Finding the elect 2.0

Maandag, 16 juli 2018.

Goedemiddag iedereen!


Where do I even start? 
I don't have time to tell you about week 71, so I will just tell you about this last week. It was amazing. It flew by. it was also kinda crazy. We found so many coool people!! So our first day in Kwatta we had aa appointment with a guy named Gerson. We couldn't find his house and he didn't answer his phone. We kinda forgot about him, till one day. We were kinda like in the neighborhood and didn't know what to do. So we were looking for him again. There was this little boy. We asked him if he knew where the 5 grey houses were. And he led us there and then disappeared. Our little angel. He wasn't there, but we were able to call him and set up a new appointment. HE IS AMAZING! He understands super well! And he sees this as a sign. The second lesson his girlfriend joined us at the end. We talked to her for a little bit and it turned out that the elders visit her mom! Super awesome. 

WeE just had so many good lessons with elect people. Anand is one of our other investigators. He is a drug addict, but received a priesthoodblessing a couple weeks ago and hasn't touched it since. He really wants to be baptized. He said that he wants to listen to God, because God listens to him! AMEN bro. 
And then after the lesson we called our next appointment. He cancelled. Great. En nu? I remembered a recent convert who is less active. He was taught by the elders in Paramaribo but he lives in our area now. He was missing for a couple months. No one knew where he went. So we found him! That was a huge miracle! And then we talked to 2 girls on the street and they are amazing. One of the girls is so prepared! We had 2 lessons with her already. When we talked about Joseph Smith and asked her if she has ever wondered which church is true. She said yes. She has been praying for that for the longest time, but she was never able to find the truth. And now we are teaching her! So amazing. 

We had to go to the doctor, because I have a weird rash on my foot and sister Spencer had a really really bad sunburn with blisters and stuff. I talked to a really cool man there! It took like 4 hours to get there, geholpen worden, get the medication stuff. So dat was een beetje gek. All the lessons fell through so we stopped by Lativa. It was her son's birthday. I was there last year too! We just said hi got some food and left to our appointment, which fell through. Then on our way back a man yelled at us. Kom je ook uit Rotterdam? So we turned around. This man was sooooo drunk my goodness. But he said he admires us. When I pointed at my nametag he was like 'I love you' and he gave us both a hand kiss. UGH! I washed my hand like 3 times. :)

So the new challenge is to talk to 20 people everyday. We pretty much did that on Saturday! For all of our appointments fell through so we talked to everyone. It was great. No one was really interested except for a man from Sint Maarten! But bearing testimony of heavenly Father is the greatest thing ever. It makes them feel loved, because they are loved! We needed toilet paper, and I only had $3,25 SRD. So I prayed and the toilet paper was only $2,25. Miracles. 

Then I felt like I should talk to this kid sitting on his bromfiets. I was scared though because maybe he was a creeper. He looked so sad though! So we told him God loves him and it touched him. Oh earlier that day we talked to a lady from Nederland! That was really cool. She had been to temple square in Salt Lake City! Crazy! She doesn't believe in God but she was really respectful.

Boy. I experienced a fullness of joy. We were in church and right before sacrement meeting 3 investigators walked in. 1 of them is a 9 year old who's not baptized but the rest of the family is. The other ones were Anand and Aniel. Aniel was a referral from the other elders in the branch. Their first contact was really awkard 'geen tijd, bel me maar'. They never called him, because he didn't seem interested. A couple months later the man saw them and told them to call him. They did and had an appointment, but it was outside of their area. So we taught him. He is amazing! And he came to church! During sacrement I prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for the miracles. Sister Spencer and I looked at each other and tears filled our eyes. We were so grateful, so happy. We sang in sacrament meeting. We are going to start a choir! Finally!!!! 

I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve my Heavenly Father by serving the people here. My testimony of the Restoration grew. It is a special message and most important message people can hear. It is the truth. Because the truth is restored we have the fullness of the gospel. We can have a fullness of joy. And I know that you all can feel this happiness I feel right now by sharing the knowledge you have of God. He is our loving Heavenly Father. He watches over us.

I love you all and I want to leave these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

ps I didn't take a lot of pictures sorry. We had a perfect avocado though! SOO GOOD

Mission Life #71 new challenge!

Maandag, 9 juli 2018.

Hi everyone! 
Ik heb geen tijd AAH stom.... (dus heeft zuster Spijkerman maar een stukje uit de brief gekopieerd die zij naar haar zendingspresident heeft gestuurd. red). 

I love Kwatta so much! Especially the members. We got to know more of our investigators, which was awesome. President I just want to thank you for your challenge to talk to 20 people every day. In our DCA I just didn't really have a huge desire to talk to people. And I felt so bad, because I want to serve God with my whole heart, mind, might and strength till the end of my mission and I prayed so much to get that desire back. And the challenge was an answer to my prayer. We talked to so many people, not 20 a day, but like 10 or so. It made me so exited to go out and see who nees the gospel.

Yesterday we were biking to our DCA and it started poring. So much rain, it was insane. We could not bike. Lativa, a recent convert I prepared for baptism a year ago, lived nearby and she didn't come to church. So we felt prompted to go there. We got there all wet, bus she gave us towels and everything. We felt so much love. We asked her how she was doing. And she started crying. She is having some problems with her husband, who's not a member and not really religious at all. I know God sent us to her. Í'm grateful that the rain brought us there, she needed us.

I'm so grateful to be on a mission, to be back in Kwatta and see the changes. It's amazing to me that there are so many people that needed you and I also needed them. I gave a talk yesterday about faith and miracles. I talked a lot about miracles with president Egbert, I know God is a God of miracles and I want to have the eyes to see those miracles. I know He is there, He loves me so much, I love Him. He is my Father in Heaven who hears e. I love being a missionary. I love this work. And I know He is helping and guiding all of us. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Zuster Spijkerman
Appartement van de zendelingen zusters in Kwatta juli 2018.

donderdag 5 juli 2018


Dinsdag 3 juli 2018

Hello folks!

This week was gek. It started in Rainville! 

I said goodbye to some of the members. We had some really good lessons with some people. We had a short lesson with 2 kids. We thought they weren't really interested. But they knew so much about God and Jesus Christ!! I learned a lot from them. She said that we need to pray because He created us. Amen. That's the least we can do. Talk to Him and tell Him how grateful we are.

We had a really cool experience with a member present lesson. We don't have a strong relationship with this member. But she bore a perfect testimony and she really followed the Spirit in teaching. We drove in the car with her, we talked some afterwards and now our relationship is a lot better. I didn't really love this person yet but now I do. Later that night we had a meeting. She walked in and she waved to us. Sister Didier and I high fived each other. Mission accomplished. That was our goal. Not for her to wave at us, but just to have a better relationship with her.,

I went to Kwatta on Thursday. Justin came back the day before so I said bye to him. Wow I love that man.

 So KWATTA!!!!
I love it! I love love love my companion! She is super cute, hard working, diligent, sweet person. She plays the flute and piano! It's great. She's from Canada. 

On Thursday we had coordination meeting. Afterwards we walked to our bikes and I saw the branch president standing by his car. I felt like I should ask him if there is anything we can do for him. But I ignored it and walked to the bikes. The thought popped up again. He was talking to the elders and interrupting would be awkward. But I knew what I had to do. So we walked back and we asked him if we could help him with anything. He said no. I kept standing there and he started talking. He had a really rough week and he told me about his struggle. I'm so glad I followed the prompting. It helped him and it helped me. It also strengthened our relationship. 

We had some awesome lessons on Saturday. Most of them about the Restoration. There is this guy, who has been looking for a church and just doesn't know what to believe. It was an amazing lesson. And sister Spencer's Dutch is so good too! She has been visa waiting for 3 months, so she didn't speak Dutch for 3 months. I know there is a God, because I know she could not speak that well without Him. Sunday we had a really spiritual lesson with a 16 year old boy. I didn't expect a lot (sorry me of little faith woops). But he said that he wants to learn more about God because he knows it will help him. 

I 'm working on not hesitating. I just want to DO IT. Vooral met promptings. So there was an old woman, really cute. She was just standing there. looked like she wanted to cross the street. We biked passed her and I looked back and she looked at me and I was like OKAY TERUG. So we go there and this lady immediately said are you from Zoetermeer or Zwolle? I was like how do you know that I'm from Zwolle. Kinda weird. I don't really remember how she like knew that, BUT we helped her crossing the road. 

De 3 Nederlanders moesten hun volkslied zingen (4th of July came up this week).
Elder Groenendijk, Elder Tom Peters en zuster Joëlle Spijkerman, laatste 2 uit de Ring Apeldoorn op zending
So I'm glad the Spirit told me to go back. Because a lot of things could've happened. I know that if we are willing to follow the promptings of the Spirit we have peace of mind and we feel good, because we did God's will. I want to invite all of you to not HESITATE, follow the promptings because that's when you follow Him. I know Heavenly Father guides us. He leads us. I know He lives, because of that. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


zuster Spijkerman

Mission Life #69 TRANSFER CALLS

Maandag, 25 juni 2018

Hello everyone!

Last Monday all of our appointments fell through. We had no idea what to do. The name of a family kept coming to my mind. We went there and we sat down. They are from Brasil. It was awesome to see that God led us there.

We are teaching a man from Nigeria and he is AWESOME! I know he will be baptize one day. We talked about the Book of Mormon. We were scared that he would reject it, but he was actually really interested. The member we took with us bore her testimony. It was wonderful.

On Wednesday morning one of our appointments fell through. God always has a plan right!? So the lady downstairs told us her neighbor wasn't home, so we talked to her and she let us in right away! Talked about Jesus! It was awesome. Then we got our transfer calls unexpectedly!!! Zuster Didier is staying, but I'm going to Kwatta with a greenie! (well she served in US for 2 transfers already). So we will kinda blank the area, but I know it pretty well. Zuster Woolsey will go to Bonaire, so I will never see her again. Zuster Jordan is going home! Cry. I was so surprised. I thought I was staying. But God has a plan. And I'm excited about it!

We had a lesson with a guy, Giovanni. We planned on teaching the restoration, but the Spirit guided us and we just asked who God was to him. He went of, saying beautiful things like, He's my pillar (I thought of pillar of light of course), He has my heart. He shared a beautiful sacred experience he had with God. The spirit was so strong. I know he felt it too. Hij wil niet dat de liefde die hij voor God heeft, aangetast wordt. So my testimony of God grew this week. I know He is there. He helped me to know how to help zuster Didier. He showed me what to do. I fasted and prayed to have the Spirit in me. Not the spirit of contention, but a spirit of love. I know He heard my prayer. I know He loves me, and that love I have for Him can never be damaged.

mijn fiets valt regelmatig uit elkaar :) 
Ik heet nu zuster Bikerman, ik fix ze nu zelf

Thank you everyone for your support. I'm so grateful that I can be here. I know I'm here for a reason. I know I'm going back to Kwatta for a reason. I love Him so much. Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). I thank Him everyday. I invite you to say a prayer of thanks. He has given you so much. And I say these things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. amen.

Zuster Spijkerman