maandag 31 juli 2017

Mission Life #21 uh

Maandag, 24 juli 2017.

huh 21 weeks already? on Friday I will hit my 5th month mark! It's so crazy. I'm on my mission for almost 6 months, which is 1/3 of my mission! Wauw.

Anyways, fa waka? Ai go bun! All is well in Zion. I'm literally doing so good! Especially since I'm STAYING with SISTER BARKER!!!! Jeeeeeeh i'm soooo happy! I literally love her! We decided we want to have at least 3 baptisms this transfer, wo we're gonna work really hard. 

Sooo update on our lovely investigator: she didn't get baptized. But I learned a pretty good lesson from that. My faith has grown because of this. Also, my prayers are changing, because I'm starting to see that not my will but His will be done. On Friday we had a lesson with her. We believed that she could be baptized, but I honestly lost the faith a little bit. So before we went in the lesson we said a prayer. And right before we entered her house, sister Barker said something like "God will perform a miracle, although it might be something else than we expect."
And a miracle did happen. Not the miracle we wanted (her getting baptized the following day) but another one. We are doing the 21 day challenge (I will send a picture) for her man. And she told us that we really touched his heart. She had a surgery so we stopped by to see how she was. She wasn't home, but we talked to her over the phone and we said a prayer. She told us 2 days later that that really touched him. It showed him that we really care. He even cried! So our prayers have been answered. We know that we needed to have a lot of faith so they got things done. They have their papers, so they can get married in a week or something and then she can get baptized. 

Okay another story. It gives me the chills/creeps thinking about this. On Thursday a guy yelled at us. This happens all the time here in Suriname, so we always ignore it. But this was sooo dramatic that we stopped. It was a potential investigator and he desperately needed us. He told us he wanted to commit suicide, because his girlfriend left him after 8 years and now he has no one. He just feels lonely. He feels like a sinner.
So we read the story of Enos, but instead of Enos we said his name. And after that he said he felt so much better! He grabbed my hand (iew) and thanked me. We really wanted to leave because he was really touchy. So we said a prayer and left. But then he kind of hugged us and he gave us 50 SRD. Zucht. We can't take money people. But yeah. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was really happy with it. It was the most creepiest but also kind of spiritual lesson I had on my mission so far. 

Time is almost up, but I want to tell you one last story. I was reading in Amla 26. MY FAVORITE! Wow. Afterwards I felt so happy and motivated to do this work! It's really amazing. I really couldn't stop smiling haha. The story reminded me of my purpose. My goal. It helped me see what success is. Success is so much more than baptizing people. Only inviting someone to come unto Christ is success, because you spread the word. No energy is wasted. 

13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

I know I'm a disciple of Christ. Are you? You are called to be a missionary. Every member a missionary. I know you can be a light to this world. Share your light. Be a light. There are people waiting for you to share this light with them. I love you all! Have a great week whereever you are!

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman


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