zondag 16 juli 2017

Mission life # 19 Miracles

Maandag, 10 juli 2017
Dear everyone!

This week was amazing! I don't know where to start so I'll probably be all over the place haha. 

We've seen miracles. Contacting is really tough. People choose to not listen or to ignore us. But we had a lot of spiritual lessons. We felt prompted to visit our investigator, German, but he wasn't home. But his wife was! And we taught her and it was amazing. The Spirit led us there that day. So KWATTA is amazing. The members are doing great, our investigators are progressing and we can still find those that are willing to listen. 

I can see a change happening here in Tammenga. On Friday we had a branch council and we made a mission plan. TRULY INSPIRED. We decided to work on one thing at the time. So now we want to focus on home teaching and visiting teaching. And what role we play and stuff. We saw that if that would change that would help a lot. It was an answer to our prayers, because we've been praying about how we can help this branch grow. So the one brother that took the lead in the meeting said that this is the time for Tammenga. And I can really feel it. We are working very hard. And we've seen the fruits thereof. We had 7 member present lessons. And really, members make the difference, they just don't realize that. 

I was reading in Alma 8 today and verses 9-10 reminded me of us (zuster Barker and I).

9 Now Satan had gotten great hold upon the hearts of the people of the city of Ammonihah; therefore they would not hearken unto the words of Alma.
10 Nevertheless Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance.

Although members won't always listen to what we say, they won't do what we commit them to do, we pray and we labor much in the spirit. And He really answered our prayers. Friday night we went on our knees and we asked God how many of His children we could baptize and how many less actives we could bring back. I got the answer 1 baptized and 2 less actives, zuster Barker 2 baptized and 1 less active. So we know that we're gonna have at least 1 baptized and we're gonna bring 1 less active back. So we have faith and we pray really hard. And sunday! Wow, one of the less actives came to church since ... eternity. So that was amazing. We decided that if she didn't come to church we would drop her. but she did! I was so happy. God answers our prayers. I know He does. I know He is a God of miracles. 

We fasted and prayed that the members would read in their Book of Mormon. And broeder Z. is reading, zuster Z., J.(a less active), and zuster D. A lot! Answers to all of our spiritual labor. I love being a missionary, because we can truly see miracles happen. 

Thursday was Zone conference! so after our 30 minute bike ride we arrived. It was really good. It was about how we can improve are teaching skills. It was really good. I learned a lot. That night we had a lesson and I tried applying some of the things I learned. Wow that lesson was really spiritThis week was kind a hard too. I was sooooo tired all the time. Especially yesterday. My goodness. It's like Satan's trying to get to us so we can't work hard and we can't baptize that one this transfer. I know we can! God can do anything! The transfer may be over in 2 weeks, I know we can do it. I need to have faith, that's what president told me in interviews last Saturday.

I know this is the true gospel. I know God listens to me, to us. I know that I'm where I'm meant to be. It might be hard, but that's when I learn and grow. I know I'm a representative of Jesus Christ. That's not nothing, but I know I am and I know I have to act like one. I know that my Redeemer lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Ps: I saw a snake and that freaked me out!


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