zondag 25 juni 2017

Mission Life Oh my Lanta #17

Maandag 19 juni 2017.

Hiiiii everyone!
So I'm in my new area and it's been truly amazing! I saw a lot of miracles. I love my new companion. We get along really well. We both want to work with the members more and we want to work really really hard. So we did. We were so tired everyday, but it felt so so so good. Voldoening is a good Dutch word. 

There is a truly amazing investigator here. She has met with the missionaries for a little bit over a month now, and she really wants to get married and she is soooo excited to get baptized!! She loves the temple. It is soo fun to go over there. The Spirit is really strong.

 We contacted a couple of cool people. We contacted a girl on the street. Zuster Barker started talking to her. Turns out she lived in a house they already contacted. If we hadn't meet her on the street, we would never have spoken to her. Her dad was not interested at all when they contacted her. But she was really interested. She already changed religion from Hindu into Christian, which is awesome.
Saturday was really awesome. We found out that we only had 1 investigator so far. So we decided to pray really hard that we would be able to find those who need the gospel. (obviously everyone needs it). So we started contacting. And there was a lady. her son passed away a year ago and her brother passed away like 2 days ago. So she was really sad. She started talking about how God gives her strength and we were able to testify of the Plan of Salvation. She thanked us. She said she knew God send us to her. We made a return appointment. It was really amazing. We continued and we were waiting at a house we klopten (you just yel ' klop klop' here and they will come..hopefully). Nobody opened. A boy told us there was nobody home. So I started talking to him and I asked him if he knew about God and Jesus Christ. He didn't really know. So I asked him if he wanted to learn more. And he said yes! He took us to his mom and we talked to her and set a return appointment. This day we had 5 new investigators. Answers to our prayers.

I started a book/journal about how God answered my prayers. It really helps me focus on the things God does for me. I want to share one experience. I was saying my nightly prayer and I told my Father that I really missed playing the piano. (I haven't played in weeks, cause the piano in Rainville was broken). When I heard I was getting transfered I thought of the chance I had to finally play the piano! But... Zuster Barker told me the piano didn't work. So I was sad and told heavenly Father that I was sad. I told Him that I would focus on the work more if I just could play for a little bit, but I knew it wasn't possible. So I also told Him that I would give up playing the piano if that was something He wanted me to do. I asked Him to give me strength to be diligent and work hard. And we worked really hard last week, as I was saying. Yesterday in church, I saw the piano. I was sad because I knew it didn't work. But then a brother plugged it in. And we were singing hymn 92 in Dutch (Ik weet dat mijn Verlosser leeft/I know that my Redeemer lives). And someone played the piano. IT WORKED! I almost started crying, because it was like God told me He saw how hard we worked last week. I will be able to play the piano. I didn't play it yet, but I will. It really was an answer to my prayer!

I'm reading in the Book of Mormon, in Mosiah 16. And it's such a fun story to read! I love the book of Mormon! You should all read it! 

Well time's almost up! I will send you pics because I actually took some this week haha.

Love you all!! Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman

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