zondag 25 juni 2017

Mission life #15 Zone conference and awesome things!

Maandag, 5 juni 2017
Sooo did I send you an email last week? I think I did, but I'm not sure, because I don't see an email in my sent mail.. soo let me know!

Soo this week we did a service project. It was kinda weird so we came there in our skirts. OMG SO DIRTY #vies. 

OMG on Wednesday, we had a lesson with a convert. She is so annoying I can't stand her. We are teaching the plan of salvation... She doesn't believe that Adam and Eve had to take from the forbidden fruit. She believes that they still could have children. She believes that if Adam and Eve didn't take of the fruit, that God would have another plan. And no, not that they would stay in a state of innocence, but that they still would have kids and stuff and that God would make it easier for them. But no that is not true! We even turned to the scriptures and read 2 Nephi 2:22. BUt she just sai ' No, I don't think so'. Well you believe in the Book of Mormon, right? Well, what's you problem? I was getting so annoyed so I didn't say anything. Today actually I read in Jesus the Christ and it's talking about the need of a Redeemer. If Adam and Eve did not partake of the fruit, there would've been no Christ. So. 

Fortunately, we visited another member. He is really old and he loves loves loves God (and missionaries). 'Yeah sistah, very nice toch'. Everybody says toch here (it's Dutch). During his prayer he uses his hands to express his feelings really funny.

Funny awkward story. On Thursday we visited an investigator, oma. She gave aus salto soup or something. No bami soup! Love love love it. She reads the book of mormon everyday and then when we are there she tells us what she learned. SHe even takes notes! Oma is the best! During prayers she always says ' yes, uhu'. But this time really loud. It was soooooop funny. I could not not laugh. So we all started laughing oops. It was funny. She laughed too. 

The same day hahahaha o mijn hemel. Sister Bokai's bike fell in the water, because our street was under water haha. Her kickstand is annoying, so she wanted to close the gate, and then her bike fell hahah so funny. 

Also, we had a lesson about the law of chastity with our investigator on baptismal date! She lives with a member. We are not sure if they really love eachother... so really awkward. We had a member present soo THANK YOU!

FRIDAY WAS ZONECONFERENCE! It was about temples. I learned a lot. Everything is in the scriptures! It was lifechanging. Last week or actualle 2 weeks I was a little bit struggling. I'm not sure with what, but I felt like I needed to change something. So after zone conference, I know what to do. I want to make my prayers more useful and meaningful, so I can get to know my Father in heaven better. And as a companionship, we want to be more obedient, by being on time. So yeah. I feel really good now! 

Saturday we started our fast, broke our fast, because an investigator made us food and we could not refuse and started our fast sunday after lunch with a member. Sunday evening. My gosh. We talked to a lady for 2,5 hours!! We didn't even know her. She was fun. Religion was not her thing anymore. But   we definitely planted a seed right there. So that was interesting.

Today we went to a member who made us ROTI. Da best. I love love love it. 

I loooove the Book of Mormon so much! I'm learning a lot! I just know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I love the stories. I'm reading in it every day. I encourage all of you to do the same thing. 

I got to go, but I love you all!! Have a great week!! 

Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman

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