zondag 25 juni 2017

Mission life # 16 TRANSFERS

Maandag, 12 Juni 2017
Okay people, crazy news first! I'm getting transferred to Kwatta, Tamecha! It's crazy!

I was so sure I would stay, since I've only been here for 5 weeks! Sister Bokai has been here for 6 transfers! And she is leaving as well. Crazy!!!

Okay I don't have a lot of time. Funny story of the day. So one of my spokes of my bike is broken. Or actually two are broken and 1 is out. I think water got into my tire or something. After grrocerie shopping it was flat, so we had to walk back.
It wasn't too far gelukkig. While we were walking  on the road we live onhahahah omg so funny. okay. A guy asks me if he can help me. Really nice toch? But but haha he was like oh are you an elder? I'm like, uuuhm a female version. And then he is like oh. Well maybe I can get your number so we can drink something together someday. I'm like no sorry I dont have a phone. We are sharing a phone. He is like, I like you. So I tell him I'm leaving haha. And I'm telling him I'm focussed on other things right now. It was awkward but funny haha. I'm so glad I don't have a phone for myself. It's really why God gave us companions.
Our investigator on date is not living with the lessactive so she can be baptized! She came to church! And she loves it! Also we had another investigator who is 10 in church. She is awesome. She cried during one of our lessons. AAand another investigator came to church for the first time! It was awesome!

During contacting, we said a prayer with someone, because I felt prompted to do so. Afterwards my companion told me she was thinking the same thing but she forgot. So it was awesome!

Our AC in our room is not working so we move our beds to the study room every day haha. #Sleepover

Okay I forgot what we did sorry! I will send you pics!! O my my, the sky here is GORGEOUS!

Oh btw!!!! Happy Fathersday!!!

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