donderdag 18 oktober 2018

Life goes on

A lot of people ask me how I'm doing. If adjusting is hard. A lot of times I told them it was hard. And it was and still is sometimes. I felt like I didn't belong here. I wanted to go back to the place where I felt accepted, loved and appreciated. I wanted to go back to Suriname so bad. I was probably just scared to start the next chapter in my life. I came back to the world and I hated it. I felt like I wasn't allowed to be myself. I learned to love myself on my mission, but why wasn't I able to feel that same way? I watched the movie 'The Greatest Showman' and I love the song 'This is Me'. I felt like a stranger in my own country. At the beginning of the song, she sings 'hide away they say, 'cause we don't want your broken parts'. That's how I felt. I felt like I couldn't be broken. So I hid myself, I didn't want to be seen. I wanted to run away. I wanted to move out. I looked for apartments, but when I prayed about that, Heavenly Father was like, no you are staying heren. I didn't understand. I was so sure that would make me a lot happier. But He knew it wouldn't. So I felt so unhappy for these two months and I was scared to get depressed.

I remember thinking about moving back to Suriname. I didn't want to do the study I was doing. That's when I decided to kneel down and ask Heavenly Father. I even went to the temple to pray about these things, because I did not know what to do. A week later, I went on an internship for a full week at an elementary school. It was so much fun and I realized that this is what I wanted to do. This is what Heavenly Father wanted me to do. The kids just made me so happy and helped me see who I was. Kids are just amazing and they accept you as you are. That's when I realized that I had not been the person I had become on my mission and the person that I wanted to be. At the end of the week, it was General Conference. That changed my life. I felt prompted to share my story, because I know that there are a lot of returned missionaries who are struggling. 

So how did General Conference change my life? I realized that I was hiding myself, and that I didn't share my light, because I was scared. President Nelson invited all the sisters to hold a social media fast for 10 days. So I decided to stop using Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. Before General Conference I already felt prompted to spend less time on my phone. So I decided to use my phone less in public spaces, so I
would be able to share my light, to share the gospel if possible. There were so many times where I just looked around and thought to myself 'this world is so pretty, full of amazing people'. I smiled at people and instead of looking at my phone I could see them smiling back. That filled my heart with joy.

So I want to invite everyone to look around and see who needs you today. Everyone could use a smile. Especially from you! I want to invite you to do a social media fast for 10 days to see how it changes your life. I was able to have more time for school, hobbies and others around me. I used WhatsApp and Messenger to uplift my friends. I also had more time for my family. I argued with my parents a lot these last two months, but now I feel more love for them. I try to serve and help them.

So people, look up. Notice the people and the beauty around you. I promise that it will make you happy. Because it made me happy. And I thank my Heavenly Father for the change that I've experienced. I'm glad that I'm not the same person as I was on my mission. I'm trying to be even better. Never stop becoming, becoming like our Saviour Jesus Christ. I know it was only because of Him that I was able to make that change. I applied the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I applied Jesus Christ in my life. That's when things started to change. Never forget Him. You don't have to do it alone. He's always by your side, but you need to decide if you want to walk with Him.

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ ahs been restored. I know Russell M. Nelson is called of God to guide us now. Listen to him. I know Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are always there to guide you and me. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

maandag 6 augustus 2018

Mission Life #75 Last but not LEAST

Maandag, 6 augustus 2018


This last week was honestly a little rough. My companion is struggling, so it was hard for me to stay motivated. Luckily my district is just freaking awesome.. A lot of lessons fell through, but we had some great lessons I want to talk about. 

First of all: P. family. I think I told you about them, if I haven't already, well I freaking love them. They are so so cute. We had an amazing lesson and we invited the 9-year old to be baptized. She accepted and she was so happy! In her prayer she thanked God that she could finally be baptized. Mijn dag kon niet meer stuk. Then we went to A., our other progressing investigator. We are really good in following the Spirit with him. We teach him what he needs. He is in a divorce and he is having a hard time. We listened (trust me he talks a lot so it was een hele opgave) and shared scriptures he needed to hear. The next time he felt so much better! We wanted to talk about the plan of Salvation, but we kept talking about the gospel and about baptism. The spirit was so strong. It was building up. On the crescendo we invited him to be baptized. He said yes! We invited him for the first of September. He couldn't say no, but also couldn't say yes. But it made him think. It was so amazing!!! It has been a while since I've felt the Spirit that strong. We should never be afraid to follow the Spirit.

We stopped by another investigator we hadn't seen in a while. She is a daughter of a member and she goes to church because of her mom. Her heart is not open. And trust me, we've prayed so much! We just felt like it was all her now. So we were there. She just woke up (people sleep here all the time! Even when it's like 3 or 4 or 5 pm) and she was not having it. Short answers. I got really mad inside and I told Heavenly Father I did not know what to do. We felt like we should just get to know her. So she loves movies! Especially cartoons and animation. We talked about Disney for probably too long (you all know I LOVE Disney). Then I felt prompted to share a Mormon message. Listen carefully, a Mormon message. I told her let's watch one, without knowing which one. Then sister Spencer had one. Shower of Heavenly blessings. It started raining. And our investigator just loved it so much! She completely opened up. I think we just need to teach her like a kid. We've not been teaching her in the way she needs to be taught. It was amazing to see the difference. I think she can really feel our love for her. Also my companion and her are going to read the Book of Mormon in Dutch in 6 weeks. It's a race. Really hard one haha. 

I shared this with my mom and dad and I want to share it with you too. It's in Dutch. 

We hadden de familie P. (van Guyana I love them so much!) uitgedaagd om hun getuigenissen te delen gisteren. Dus 2 van ze hebben dat gedaan, inclusief degene die nog niet gedoopt is! Ze zei in haar getuigenis dat ze me zal missen. I cried en toen liep ik naar voren. De Geest gaf me de dingen die ik moest zeggen. Na afloop kwam er een zuster naar me toe en ze was in tranen. We omhelsden elkaar en huilden. Ik vind het zo moeilijk om vaarwel te zeggen. Ik kan het gewoon niet uitleggen. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing ever. It feels like home! In the song 'prayer of the Children'  it says 'help me to feel the love again for my own land'. I am scared honestly, but I pray that I can and may feel this same love for my own land, Nederland.

I just want to close with my testimony. I've shared my testimony every single day. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. I've learned on my mission that Joseph Smith has done more save Jesus only for the salvation of men that has ever lived upon the earth (DC 130:5 or something). Because of the Restoration, we can be restored with God, we can be connected, protected. Because of Joseph Smith the plates were translated. Because of the diligence of olden day prophets we can read the words that we need to read so we can receive answers to our prayers and questions. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. 

I've asked Heavenly Father multiple times. The Book of Mormon is my compass and it will always be. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior. He has done so much for me. He has raised me up. I'm a perfectionist, but I've learned that I cannot and don't need to be perfect. That's why we have Christ. 'Come unto me and be perfected in me is what moronic tells us. What ever you are facing right now, Christ is there. By his grace you can do it! Grace is the enabling power to do whatever HE wants you to do. I know He lives. I'm so grateful that I have served my mission. I'm going to miss Suriname and Bonaire so so much. I know it has blessed my life more than I could ever imagine. I've learned more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This is the way. He is the way. If you've lost your way, find Christ! He is always there. Work hard pray often! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Zuster Spijkerman

dinsdag 31 juli 2018

Mission LIfe #74 ran out of time last time

Maandag, 30 juli 2018

SORRY I ran out of time last week.

I'm just going to tell you about this last week though. So on Monday we went to waterkant with our district. It's next to the Surinaamse rivier and there is a ford and fun stuff. We took lots of pictures and performed in the middle of palmentuin, singing 'prayer of the children' It was freaking awesome. I love the missionaries I am serving with. 

We also performed at the Pioneersday activity. It was awesome to hear about the pioneers of Suriname. Everyone is a pioneer. I'm a pioneer, because I am the first Dutch sister missionary to serve here in e. How are you a pioneer?

We've talked to so many people last week! we are really trying to talk to 20 people. We weren't able to reach it yet. We talked to 16 people the other day. 

Friday. It was an awesome day. I told my mission president this:

We went contacting Friday morning. Mornings are usually not the best, but something zuster Jordan taught me is that there are different people at different times. So we met a lady from Guyana. She was just on a vacation for a couple days. She had met with the elders before. She invited us in. Kind of had a lesson with her. She really wanted the elders to come to her house in Guyana. The cool part of this all is that I prayed that morning, that I would have the eyes to see the spiritual experiences, to notice them. And Heavenly Father truly answered my prayer.

I went on exchanges to Rainville! 

Said goodbye to some people, including Justin. I made a video. It's to big to upload but I will show you whenever I see you! I love him so much. I also got to say goodbye to the family I found last transfer, or 2 transfers ago. The mom is progressing a lot! It's awesome to see. I took a picture with them. Sunday was amazing. OUr most progressing investigator came again. He takes notes and everything. He is amazing! I'm so glad that the elders found him and that we are able to teach him. 


I know that when we let our light shine, it will help others having the desire to let their light shine. I am so grateful that I can share my light with the people of Suriname for one more week. I know Heavenly Father puts people in/on our path. I know He is always there. It reminds me of a scripture I read the other day. In Moroni 8:2 

"I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work." I know Heavenly Father is always mindful of me, so is His Son.

I finished reading the Book of Mormon this morning. I want to share my experience and testimony. I wrote all the things down that Moroni invites us to do. The first thing is to 'remember how merciful the Lord hath been'. It touched me, because Heavenly Father has been so merciful. He sent me here and it's been a big blessing in my life. The second thing he invited me to do is to pray and ask God, the eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ if these things are not true. So I did. I knelt down and thanked God for being so merciful. Then I asked if these things were not true. And my heart werd warm. Tears filled my eyes. I feel the same way now I'm telling you about this. My soul is warm. I felt this feeling that is hard to describe. But today I want to testify to you that the Book of Mormon is true. I've only ready the Book of Mormon twice on my mission, but I've learned so much from it through the power of the holy Ghost. I read things at the right time, they encouraged me. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I invite everyone to do the same thing as I did. To pray and ask in faith if it is not true. I know with my whole heart that you will receive that answer through the power of the Holy Ghost. It will make you smile, it will make you feel good. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all so so much!

Zuster Spijkerman

maandag 30 juli 2018

Mission Life #73 New mission President

Maandag, 23 juli 2018

President Braird and his wife for the first time in Suriname
De nieuwe zendingspresident is geweldig! Hij wil deze zending alleen beter maken en hij wil dat vooral doen door al onze talenten te gebruiken.

I love my companion, zuster Spencer.

Saturday was a hard day, it was hot and everyone cancelled on us. We went to church to practice a song with the ZHV/RS. President Verweij (red. yup elder Verweij die in Apeldoorn heeft gediend) asked us if we could translate for the fireside. We told him we had an appointment, but we felt bad, because we wanted to help him out. We decided to pray and aske God for advice. So we did and I felt lik we should confirm our appointment one more time. It was with a less active member, 23 years old. He said he is waiting for us, so we knew we had to go to our appointment. Then the elders came too and they were able to translate. So they answered our prayer. We had an amazing lesson about the Atonement. He said that the lesson inspired him to go to church and we didn't mention church at all. It was cool how the Spirit really guided that lesson. He committed to come to church and he did!

I know God hears and answers our prayers. He gives us council. We read Alma 37:37 in church yesterday and that's what we did. He truly guided us. God knows where we need to be and what we need to say in order to touch the hearts of the people here. I know He is always there for me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Ps Red. Sister Spijkerman ran out of time for writing a weekly letter for her blog. These are words that she wrote to us or her mission president so that she still had something for her blog. Enjoy!

Zone conference with the new mission president Baird and sister Baird