zondag 15 april 2018

Mission Life # 58 Handle stress with God!!!

Maandag, 9 april 2018

Hello everyone!
I have 15 minutes to tell you all about my crazy stressful week. We've been really busy preparing Justin for his baptism. Tuesday sister Barker came back from Bonaire and Thursday night the new sister came!

I had a mental breakdown Thursday. We had a horrible lesson with J.  He talked SOOO much. I have a problem people. If people talk to much I just get so frustrated and mad and I cannot love the people. But luckily I had 2 companions who bore their testimony and they were so awesome. We left with the Spirit. But when we came home I started crying and ran to the bathroom. I knelt down and prayed. I've been working on my prayers lately and I really felt God was listening to me. Sometimes it's hard to feel that. But after my prayer I kept crying. But all of the sudden I stopped and I felt this peace coming over me. Only God could have given me that. 

Friday morning during our exercise time we dropped by J. to give him some cookies. He loved it. Then at 10 sister Campbell left to Bonaire. I'm gonna miss her soooo much. I will probably never see her again. When she comes back, I will be gone. So sad. She taught me so much! She knows how to have effective studies guided by the Holy Ghost. 

First day with my real companions zuster Didier and zuster Barker. Training is a little bit scary. I don't want to scare her! But she's so eager to learn, which is so awesome. We get along really well. We are gonna work our buts of this transfer (by biking from appointment to appointment, so that our butts will literally hurt. JK). 

We had a baptism Saturday. Wow it was hectic. It was so crazy. But it was really spiritual though. Afterwards we talked to him and he expressed his gratitude and love for me and sister Barker told him how much I loved him and then how much more God loves him. He said she was killing him. Too much love. He felt free after his baptism. And then Sunday he didn't show up. I felt so bad. But then we sang I'm a child of God and I felt God's love for me. I felt that I had done all I could for him.

It's crazy how much love can do to you. And how much love can do for others. I know that when we love each other we are happier. I know I'm a child of God. That's all that matters. That's what matters most. Don't forget your true identity. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all so so much!
Zuster Spijkerman

no time pics next week

Mission Life # 57 Spiritual

Maandag, 3 april 2018

Wow zoveel dingen om jullie te vertellen!

So yeah we had a really spiritual lesson on Monday night with one of our recent converts. She doesn't understand a lot so we have to teach very plainly. I could feel God's love for her, but also through her. She testified of Him. I almost cried. 

A lot of appointments fell through this week, but Justin is really loyal. We taught him a lot. He's getting baptized!! Which is kind of a miracle. His girlfriend was still living there 3 days ago and he was still smoking. But he told us yesterday that his grandson helps him, gives him the power to pray. He hasn't smoked in 2 days and his girlfriend is gone. He loved general conference. He said it woke him up. I was just really tired, so I was just like, wow I just feel like it makes me tired. But he is right. It wakes you up spiritually. 

So Saturday night after General Conference my bike broke. So we had to pump up the tire, but we had no pump and it was already 9 pm. So we called the closest elders, they gave us their pump. Then I had to  ride it for a little bit, pump it up again ride etc. I did it with a lot of faith. I felt like Peter walking on water. I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to keep the air in the bike. And I focused on Christ. So we could bike for a long long time. Then I had to pump it up once or twice. It was a blessing, but also a testimony builder, that we can do all things through Christ if we focus on Him.

I know the church of Jesus Christ is on the earth today. General Conference definitely strengthened my testimony of the truth. I can't pick my favorite talk, but I loved elder Bednar's talk about meekness. He made me think of a talk he gave about the character of Christ, which was played in the MTC. I want to study His true character, so I can know what God's character is. Meekness is a really important one. I know this gospel is true. I can't deny and I won't ever deny it. I want to testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Zuster Spijkerman